Speeding 101 – The Basics

If you’re visiting this site, there is a pretty good chance you’ve been here before.  Pulled over by the side of the road by the long arm of the law.  How do you keep this from happening again?

#1 Be Aware of The Herd

What is the Herd?  The Herd is the rest of the motoring population.  You know . . .  like the herd of Zebra’s that the Lion is eyeballing.  Just like in nature, the Lion really isn’t interested in taking on a full size, healthy Zebra.  Nope, that is just way too much work to take down a healthy adult Zebra.  So the typical Lion would rather find a young, weak, stupid Zebra that isn’t paying attention and has strayed from the herd  . . . otherwise known as the easy target!

Learn to think of the police as the Lion!

You are the Zebra.  Don’t be the stupid one that has strayed too far from the Herd!  Don’t be the easy target.

#2 Zebra’s know how manage the risk – Do you?

——————-  More Coming Soon ———————–